Friday, August 20, 2010

CP - Top 5 Items to Help you Run a Marathon

Courtesy Post

To most people, the thought of running a marathon is an overwhelming idea that they could never comprehend. However, there are many people out there who love to feel the wind in their face as they run for 26.2 miles. No matter how much you love running, though, everyone who attempts to run a marathon must be prepared. In addition to the weeks of difficult training, marathon runners must use special products to make sure that they are safe and healthy while running. Here are the top five items to help you run a marathon.

  1. Marathon Running Shoes- One of the most important items a marathon runner needs is a great pair of marathon running shoes. Some things that you should consider when purchasing marathon running shoes are where you run, how much you run, and the shape of your foot. You want to find shoes that will give you good arch support and cushioning because comfortable and supportive shoes will help you meet your running goals.
  2. Running Hydration Pack- Just like anyone else who is exercising, marathon runners need to stay hydrated during their race. Carrying around a bottle of water for 26.2 miles is not an option, though. A running hydration pack is a bottle that a runner can carry on their back so that they can easily transport the drink of their choice while running. Running hydration packs also have straws that go from the bottle to their mouth so they can drink hands free while running.
  3. Energy Gel Packs- Energy gel packs are one of the most unique inventions for runners. While you are running a marathon, the last thing you want to do is focus on chewing an energy bar. With all of the calories and carbs that you are burning, though, you have to have some source of nutrition during your race. Energy gel packs provide an easy way to replenish your body during a race because it is a nutrient packed gel that is easy to consume on the go.
  4. GPS Watch-When you are training for a marathon, it is important to keep track of certain statistics such as your distance, speed, and heart rate. Monitoring details such as your heart rate are very important to make sure that you are not working out too hard and that you are being safe and healthy. A GPS watch will help you keep track of these details, plus more. Some GPS watches even allow for the capability to download these statistics onto your computer so that you can easily analyze your progress.
  5. Compression Socks- After a long day of running, it is important to help your body recover. Compression socks are a great item that will stimulate blood flow in your legs and increased blood flow leads to a quicker healing time. Some runners even like to wear compression socks during their workouts for increased support and less soreness after then run. If you choose to use compression socks, make sure they fit comfortably and snugly, but not so tight that it cuts off your circulation.

If you are brave enough to try running a marathon, consider these items to help you train and to make your run easier. If you have any suggestions or tips on other products that can help make running a marathon easier, please comment below!

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