Friday, June 15, 2012

When Beautiful Isn't Pretty

When Beautiful Isn't Pretty

When Beautiful Isn't Pretty
By Leah Oman

Have you ever been in close proximity to someone who is so good looking, you can't help staring at them? He or she is drop-dead gorgeous--that is, until you get to know them better.
We've all met beautiful people who don't hold our interest once they open their mouths and have nothing interesting or worthwhile to say. Maybe they only talk about themselves, or they might begin to say or do things that are mean-spirited. Suddenly they don't seem so attractive anymore.
On the other hand, someone we don't regard as physically attractive at first can begin to shine in our eyes because of their kindness, compassion, sense of humor, or maybe even their appreciation of us.
Once while looking for lipstick in a major department store, I was approached by a beautiful young salesperson asking if she could help me. Because I'd been having a difficult week and was feeling a little blue that afternoon, I was grateful for her offer of assistance. No one else was waiting to be served, so we began to look at lipstick colors together, and I tried several on my wrist to see if the color looked good with my skin tones. She was friendly and smiling though I was having a hard time deciding which one I wanted. As there was no mirror on the counter, at one point I turned around and looked into the mirrored column behind me to see which one looked best against my face, and suddenly saw her face in the mirror behind me, rolling her eyes and grimacing as though in exasperation. Stunned, I quickly turned back around and looked her in the eye. Immediately the grimace vanished and she tried to cover her number by smiling at me broadly. It didn't work. I handed her back the lipstick, unsmiling, staring at her suddenly-too-bright eyes, then turned and left without a word.
Her message had been all too clear even though she hadn't meant for me to receive it! I was an annoyance to her because I was taking too long to make a decision. Why? There were no other customers at her counter. She hadn't appeared to be busy in any way when she first approached me. Yet she seemed contemptuous of me for some reason.
Because she had revealed her lack of kindness, caring, and compassion, she lost a sale, a potential future customer, and any respect or appreciation I initially had for her. Not only that, but I no longer saw her as beautiful. Her attractiveness had stopped being an asset for her.
The moral to this story: If you want to be truly beautiful, remember to check your attitude while you're checking how you look in the mirror.
Need help with what to wear to your next job interview?
Contact Leah Oman.
The Smarter Image, Inc.
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