What to Get Your Girlfriend for Christmas: Tech Gift Ideas for Girls
Author: Mike
It's pretty easy to get Christmas presents for friends: you think alike, and you know what they want. But when it comes to getting a gift for a woman, most guys feel intimidated.
Women like clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, and a bunch of other stuff you know nothing about. And when the girl is someone you actually want to impress, things get even more difficult. However, this year you can loosen up: gadgets are the ultimate Christmas gifts for both women and men. So at least you are on familiar territory. And what's even better – you could get them online, without going to any swamped and noisy shopping mall. Here are some of the things that are bound to make great Christmas present for your significant other.
The latest iPod Touch model! Perfect for a girl who enjoys to listen to music while walking! It has 32 GB of storage, so she could virtually store all the music she has on it. Even if she already has an iPod, an upgrade is always appreciated. This is a women that most girls would appreciate. Plus, there are plenty of iPod accessories available, which means that next time you don't have to panic about what to get her.
A Canon SD780 IS Camera! This digital camera is just the right combination between a compact, easy to carry around model, and a sophisticated, but also bulky one. It is only 0.7 inches thick, which makes it Canon's slimmest model so far. Though it's small enough to fit in any handbag, you can take excellent photographs with it. Very suitable for clubbers and backpackers alike! It has a 12.1 megapixel sensor and lots of Canon's latest features, including face recognition and image stabilization. It also has 720p video! You can take sharp pictures and videos even at night. What more could you want from a compact camera? And just to make it Christmas-themed, it's even better if you get the red version!
Is your girlfriend the romantic type? If so, you could get her a digital frame and fill it up with your all time's favorite pictures. It will show you have put a lot of thought into it, and she will definitely appreciate it! Panadigital PAN1201W02 12 Inch LCD frame is an excellent choice, and it is able to store up to 2000 images. It is very easy to transfer photos from your computer, camera or memory card without setting up any software. But there are also cheaper models available, which are still very good.
Finally, you can add something to the gift to make it more interesting! It can be a toy from a series she collects, some homemade chocolate or a DVD with your favorite songs. For a girl who liked Twilight Zone and has a good sense of humor, you could get the Talky Tina doll from Twilight Zone. It is that spine-chilling doll that was around long before Chucky. My name is Talky Tina, and you will be sorry! is one of the phrases this miniature doll can say.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/gifts-articles/what-to-get-your-girlfriend-for-christmas-tech-gift-ideas-for-girls-3832525.html
About the Author
Mike Neder is a famous Internet Marketing Consultant with a lot of experience both cooperating with large companies and start-ups. He established a series of successful online businesses, including United Tech Store, a great comparison shopping site for geeks. You can find all of these Christmas gift suggestions there!
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