Safely Rigging Outdoor Christmas Lights This Holiday Season
Author: Roxanne Miller
The Christmas season is one of the happiest times of the year. People love the lights and the overwhelming good cheer that seems to permeate the very atmosphere. However, the holiday season is also one of the most accident prone and tragic times of the year as well. The sad reality of the Christmas season is that many times a tragedy will strike due to poor wiring setups or ladder accidents. The end result is a house lost to fire or a loved one that is killed falling from a ladder. For a happier, safer, holiday season there are a few things to keep in mind.
The first thing to keep in mind is the fact that electricity can kill. Whether the death occurs due to a fire being started or through direct contact with a live wire does not matter. A tragedy is still a tragedy. Anyone that desires to prevent these occurrences will need to consider two necessary safety strictures. The first safety stricture is proper placement of lights. The second stricture is the proper lighting type and power load.
The first safety consideration is the proper placement of lights. This is especially true when placing outdoor Christmas lights. Outdoor lights are gorgeous but it is important to keep their safe placement in mind. When placing outdoor lights do not staple or nail them up. Staples and nails will tear away the rubberised plastic coating the electrical wires. If this coating is stripped then a fire may occur. Someone passing by might accidentally touch a naked wire as well. The first one is a tragedy for the entire family. The second one might be a tragedy for the family or it might simply be a lawsuit waiting to happen. Either way it can ruin a holiday for someone. Keep wiring out of reach of animals and children to the best of your ability as well. Small children like to bite and chew on things. The pretty twinkling lights might be especially inviting to them.
Proper outdoor Christmas lights will be durable, low cost, and will not generate heat. The first two are rather obvious. However, the last item is important because lights that generate heat might be covered by flammable object such as leaves. This can cause a fire. The best way to avoid this situation altogether is to purchase LED lights. LED lights do not radiate heat. They do twinkle and blink in random patterns just like traditional lights. The modern LED light will also be far more durable and capable of handling both the temperatures of the season and buffeting winds that might damage less durable lights. LED based lights use hard plastic instead of glass bulbs and modern versions do not stop working altogether when a single light blows.
Overall the holiday season is a time of great joy and hope. Outdoor lights are one way of sharing the love of the season. A few simple safety precautions, such as using plastic clips instead of nails or staples for hanging lights, will allow people to continue enjoying their season and their family gatherings safely.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/interior-design-articles/safely-rigging-outdoor-christmas-lights-this-holiday-season-3765142.html
About the Author
Roxy is keen on interior and exterior designs and ideas as well as the home and garden. Roxy is getting excited for the holiday season and likes the idea of outdoor Christmas lights in gardens and homes across the country this Christmas. Roxy also works as a consultant for UK Water Features.
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