Make Eyelashes Longer With These 5 Essentials
Author: Jennifer Fox
The best way to make eyelashes grow longer is to get the right amount of nutrients. The health of an eyelash depends almost entirely on the health of the hair follicle. The hair follicle is responsible for absorbing nutrients to keep eyelashes growing healthy and strong. If you truly want to make your eyelashes grow, you'll need these 5 essentials:
Vitamin E is an excellent nutrient to promote eyelash growth. This vitamin helps to thicken eyelashes and revitalize skin cells. Vitamin E or ‘tocopherols' enhance eyelash texture and leave skin glowing. Add more dark leafy green veggies to your diet. It's also abundant in olive oil, almonds and avocados.
Calcium, magnesium and copper. These three minerals are extremely beneficial to make eyelashes longer. Calcium activates the enzymes needed for healthy hair follicles. Copper works in balance with vitamin C to form elastin, a protein that promotes eyelash growth. Magnesium is another enzyme activator that increases growth rate in eyelashes. Sources of these minerals are bananas, apricots, avocados, salmon, garlic, dairy, and beets to name a few.
Vitamin A acts a great eyelash stimulator. It's the active ingredient in anti-aging wrinkle creams. This powerful antioxidant promotes new cell regeneration in skin and hair. Vitamin A is responsible for providing structure and durability in eyelashes. You'll find it in some greens, but mostly orange fruits and veggies: peaches, yellow squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins and apricots.
Vitamin C is not only a powerful immune booster, but it also helps make eyelashes longer. This vitamin promotes circulation and helps support the follicle structure. Vitamin C plays an active role in increasing eyelash strength and endurance.
Essential fatty acids greatly improve eyelash texture and prevent dry, brittle lashes. Better known as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, EFAs are necessary to make eyelashes grow. Salmon is an excellent source of EFA. Grape seed oil is also high in essential fatty acids and is a powerful antioxidant.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cosmetics-articles/make-eyelashes-longer-with-these-5-essentials-3825777.html
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Author, Jennifer Fox, offers an exclusive Free Report - learn the secret to make eyelashes grow longer and thicker in less than a month.
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