Tuesday, August 26, 2008

He's Daily - The Impossible Dream

Featured in our channel He's Daily is my dear friend from Italy, Mauro Carbonetta. He is a photographer and an artist. His passion is painting and I am highlighting one of my favorite painings which he names "Desiderio Impossibile" translated means Impossibile Dream.

What inspired him to create this painting? What is he trying to tell us? What emotions is he trying to express with this painting?

What I see and feel are strong emotions in him. A beautiful woman is searching for something or maybe she is searching for him and there seems to be an obstacle in the way. What may this obstacle be? Maybe we can only leave it to his or her or even our immagination.

To learn more about Mauro Carbonetta and to view more of his paintings visit Mauro Carbonetta Online


We would like to hear from you about what you feel when you see this painting. If you have something to say feel free to post it in our comments section.Thank you.

Shes Daily

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