Tuesday, June 5, 2012

3 F's of Kiss and Make Up

3 F's of Kiss and Make Up

3 F's of Kiss and Make UpBy Marcos M Laurent

The 3 F's of kiss and make up is a system that the couple should follow. It is just as simple as 1,2,3. This simple pattern is a way to build a stronger and deeper relationship. Let us see the process and see if it works for you and the love of your life. You might not know this simple step works for you both.
Here are the 3 F's of kiss and make up:
* FIGHT is always visible in every relationship. We fight and argue but the most wonderful part is the kiss and make up. Sweetness, love and affection became more intense. This is the cycle of love. Remember that too much of something is not good. Same as fighting, if this already went on too much you both need to stop. Talk it over and decide on something. If you are fighting about a particular person that creates jealousy, then make sure to avoid this. See to it that your partner will not feel that you are falling out of love. Stay out of the reasons of your fight. Prove to each other that your love evolves with each other.
* FORGIVE each other after the talk. Not just focus on forgiveness but also decide on something to make the relationship work. Have a plan of action. Now is the time to build a stronger future. Make sure you both take time to dwell in every issue. Do not just disregard the petty things because if this will grow, it will create another conflict. Accept each other's differences and love each other more than what you did before.
* FORGET about the past and build your life for the future. This is the thing, if there will come a time that you two will fight about something, please do not dwell on the past issues. You have to fix the current problem and leave the past behind. Past is already over. What you should do is to embrace the future. Build it and let it grow. Strengthen your relationship so you both can weathered the storm together no matter how strong it would be.
You might think that these steps is very simple. Yet, it needs to have a lot of dedication, patience and understanding. You both should also know that this needs worked on to together. This needs to talk on to. There will be so much problem that will took place in the process of the relationship but if you both strives to weathered the storm, you will succeed.
Visit http://savingthelove.com to know more information. If you want to be specific like marriage counselling just click http://savingthelove.com/Save-My-Marriage/ for more tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcos_M_Laurent

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